
A directory listing of available staff and administration
First Name Last Namesort descending Appointment Department Phone Email
Robin Lefebvre
(401) 435-7500 x11222 Email Me
Sharon Lemire
(401) 435-7500 x 11037 Email Me
Sharon Lemire
(401) 435-7500 x11037 Email Me
Dominic Leonardo
(401) 435-7500 x11256 Email Me
Kevin Lewis
(401) 435-7500 x11033 Email Me
Mary Jo Lima Ferrara
401-564-4264 Email Me
Michelle Lopes
(401) 435-7500 x40052 Email Me
Angie Lovegrove 401-787-4276
Susan Lusignan
401-435-7600 EXT 20083 Email Me
William C. Maaia
Frederick MacDonald
(401) 435- 7600 x21050 Email Me
Michael Marcello
(401) 435-7500 x11224 Email Me
Madeline Marlow
(401) 435-1923 x11190 Email Me
Lisa Martins
(401) 435-7722 Ext. 2 Email Me
Jim Marvel (401) 435-7741 Email Me
Michael Masaitis
Email Me
William McMahon (401) 435-7500 x40050 Email Me
Donna McMahon
(401) 435-7701 Email Me
Matthew McNulty
401-435-7600 EXT 20024 Email Me
Dennis Medeiros
401-435-7600 EXT 20027 Email Me
Diogo Mello
401-435-7600 EXT 20173 Email Me
Dave Melo
(401) 435-7741 EXT 204 Email Me
Stephanie Melo
(401) 435-7500 x11034 Email Me
Kim Moniz
(401) 435-7741 EXT 208 Email Me