East Providence - A community with a vision
The City of East Providence is updating its Comprehensive Plan! This is where you will find information about the update process, including upcoming events, and how you and your neighbors can be involved and help shape the future of East Providence.
February 25th, 2025 - The City's 2025-2035 Comprehensive Plan Final Draft is available for viewing here: . The Appendices for the Plan can be viewed here: Questions on the plan can be directed to the Department of Planning and Economic Development at 401-654-4288.
February 6, 2024 - The City has been working with our consultant to bring our plan to its final draft and is now preparing to present this draft to the City Council. A public presentation is scheduled for the City Council on February 6th. The draft is also under review by the Office of Statwide Planning and will eventually be placed for public review on the Statewide Planning's website for public comment. After the required review period and any updates that are required as a result of the Statewide review, the Plan will be positioned for a final approval by the City Council.
October 8, 2021 - Thank you for attending our fall public workshop series! Check back soon for how you can continue to be involved in the Comprehensive Plan Update.
September 14, 2021 - Join your neighbors to talk about the City's future! Come participate this fall in four topic-oriented public workshops to help us shape the comprehensive plan and have your voices heard on these important topics! The topics for each workshop include: (1) Housing and Equity/Public Health, (2) Historic/Cultural Resources and City Services, (3) Economic Development/Waterfront and Transportation/Connectivity, and (4) Recreation/Open Space and Natural Resources/Climate Change. After a welcome and short presentation, attendees will be randomly assigned to small groups for a facilitated discussion.
All workshops will be held at the East Providence Senior Center (610 Waterman Ave, East Providence) on the following dates:
- Tuesday, September 28th from 6PM - 8PM: Housing and Equity/Public Health - SLIDES
- Thursday, September 30th from 6PM - 8PM: Historic/Cultural Resources and City Services - SLIDES
- Tuesday, October 5th from 6PM - 8PM: Economic Development/Waterfront and Transportation/Connectivity - SLIDES
- Thursday, October 7th from 6PM - 8PM: Recreation/Open Space and Natural Resources/Climate Change - SLIDES
All attendees must wear a maks, regardless of vaccination status, to comply with the CDC and the City of East Providence's guidance on masking in public places.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Department of Planning and Economic Development.
July, 30, 2021 - The Community Survey and Teen/Youth Survey are now closed. Thank you for your feedback and keep an eye out for more opportunities to have your voice heard very soon!
June 16, 2021 - Calling all East Providence teens and youth! This is your city. Your voice matters! We want your opinion on our neighborhoods, our parks, and much more. What is most important to you? Help us update East Providence's Comprehensive Plan by taking the teen/youth survey HERE! Please note: This survey is for those 19-years-old and younger to take!
June 10, 2021 - We have reopened our survey to get more support from East Providence residents who may have missed the survey the first time around. Time to have your voice be heard and provide feedback! Please note: This is the same survey from earlier this year, so you may have already taken it.
If you would like a paper copy of the survey, you may request one from the Department of Planning and Economic Development.
April 23, 2021 - Thank you for attending our four virtual public workshops! Stay tuned for more opportunities to get involved.
April 5, 2021 - Our survey is currently closed. Thank you to those who took the time to provide us with your ideas and feedback!
March 31, 2021 - Explore a snapshot of East Providence! View maps, charts, and tables providing information on economic development, housing, history and culture, transportation, open space and recreation, sustainability, and more in East Providence today. You may view it below or explore the snapshot of East Providence HERE.
March 23, 2021 - Join your neighbors to talk about the City's future! Four virtual public workshops, one for each Ward of the City, are scheduled as part of our public engagement process for the City's Comprehensive Plan update. After a welcome and short presentation, attendees will be randomly assigned to small groups for a facilitated discussion. Residents can attend any workshop but are strongly encouraged to attend the one for their Ward. All workshops will be held on Zoom and registration is required.
If you don't have access to the Internet or do not feel comfortable using Zoom, join your neighbors at the Fuller Creative Learning Center, 260 Dover Ave. on the dates and at the times below to participate virtually and discuss the City's future.
You may register for the workshops at the links below:
Ward 1 - Thursday, April 1st from 7-8:30PM-
Ward 2 - Thursday, April 8th from 7-8:30PM -
Ward 3 - Thursday, April 15th from 7-8:30PM -
Ward 4 - Thursday, April 22nd from 7-8:30PM
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Department of Planning and Economic Development.
January 26, 2021 - TAKE OUR SURVEY! We have a historic past and bold future. Let's move forward together to map our City's plan. Share your vision! Tell us what you love & what needs to be transformed.