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2024-2025 Full Revaluation

Welcome to the city of East Providence's 2024-2025 Full Revaluation page. The Assessor's office has designed this page to keep local property owners and the public informed throughout the process.

Revaluations are mandated by RIGL 44-5-11.6, requiring full revaluations every nine years and statistical updates every 3 years in between. The City is currently scheduled for a full revaluation effective 12/31/2024, which will be used to calculate the tax bills due in July of 2025.  The City has contracted with Northeast Revaluation Group a Catalis Tax & CAMA Inc. company to assist in the process, which is scheduled to start in March of 2024 and slated to end in the spring of 2025.


Data collectors will begin measuring and inspecting all properties citywide starting in March 2024, with the process expected to continue until spring of 2025. You can refer to the 2024-2025 East Providence Revaluation Data Collection Map to track the progress of data collection in the city. Occationally, data collectors may be seen somewhere that is not marked as in progress, they could be reviewing an area or checking building permits. Data collectors are required to wear a badge and have their vehicle information on file with the city. At any time you have any questions or concerns about the process contact the Assessor's office for further information. Meet our data collectors
Data collectors will measure the exterior, capture a new photo of the property, and attempt to gain entry to inspect the interior during their visit. If you are not available or it is not a convenient time, they will note as much exterior information as possible and leave a contact information note for you to schedule an appointment at a more convenient time. This part of the process is crucial to ensure accurate property data for the revaluation.

Field Review and Building Permits: 

January and February 2025.  Data Collectors will be conducting a final review of the project and checking the progress of any building permits that have been issued to modify property characteristics. The goal is to ensure that all property records accurately reflect any construction or changes as of December 31, 2024.

If residents have any questions or concerns, they are encouraged to contact either the Assessor's office or the revaluation company at the provided contact number (401-737-0300).

Continue to check this page for more updates throughout the process. 

Last Updated: Tue, 03/25/2025 - 12:00pm