December 13, 2023-Zoning Board of Review Meeting & Agenda





Date:                           Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Starting Time:           6:00 PM

Location:                    City Council Chambers


I.          Opening Statement by Chairman


Swearing in of the Zoning Officer: Edward Pimentel



II.         Seating of Alternate Member(s)



III.        Approval of Zoning Board Minutes


1 November 2023.


IV.        Zoning Officer’s Report



V.         Correspondence / Discussions


A. Approval of Annual Zoning Board of Review Hearing Calendar


B. Schedule a special meeting date to solely hear the petition of Safe Harbor Properties, LLC, 48 Lincoln Avenue.



VI.        Staff Reports


A. Planning Department Staff Report – Previously Submitted


B. Zoning Complaint List – November 2023 - Previously Submitted



VII.       Docket Item Organization



VIII.      Continued Business


1. EXXON MOBIL OIL CORPORATION and 2/3 REALTY LLC, ATTN; DAVID B. MURPHY, JR., seek permission to subdivide a parcel into two (2) distinct and separate parcels via a Minor Subdivision, resulting in designated Parcel ‘B’ failing to comply with the minimum lot width requirement, for property located at 0 PAWTUCKET AVENUE, being MAP 310, BLOCK 5, PARCEL 10, in a multi-zoned INDUSTRIAL 1 DISTRICT, INDUSTRIAL 2 DISTRICT, and INDUSTRIAL 3 DISTRICT.  (Dimensional Variance - Petition No. 6967)


[Continued from 1 November 2023.  No testimony taken.]

IX.        New Business


1. GANSETT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, seeks permission to introduce an off-premises sign, meaning that there will be a business advertised on the proposed free-standing sign that is not physically located on the same parcel as said proposed free-standing sign, for property located at 50 – 60 NEWPORT AVENUE, being MAP 501, BLOCK 1, PARCEL 2, in a COMMERCIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Use Variance - Petition No. 6968)


2. GANSETT LIMITED PARTNERSHIP C/o QUINCY & CO., INC., seeks permission to introduce a Town Fair Tire establishment, which engages in the retails sales and installation of tires and wheels, to include wheel balancing and wheel alignment, in addition to the repair and installation of automotive brakes, for property located at 80 NEWPORT AVENUE, being MAP 501, BLOCK 1, PARCEL 5, in a COMMERCIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Use Variance - Petition No. 6969)



X.         Procedures


Discussion on new statewide regulations.


Discussion on Motion Forms.


Discussion on the Zoning Application Instructional Package.


Discussion on Rules and Procedures.



XI.        Announcements


A.  The next regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Review is scheduled for Wednesday, 3 January 2024, at 6:00 PM, in the City of East Providence Council Chambers, City Hall, and East Providence, RI.



XII.       Adjournment





APPLICATION/DOCUMENTS:  As part of the above detailed petitions, the applicants have submitted materials which are public record.  If you would like to receive a copy of the materials submitted to view before the hearing, please contacting the Zoning Office at (401) 435-7722, Ext. 1. 



You can also directly access all petition materials by following the below instructions:


In the web browser, type ‘’.  Next, select the category entitled ‘Public Notices’.  Next, in the ‘Filter Bar’ located under the heading ‘Filter by Board, Commission or Committee’ scroll down to ‘Zoning Board of Review’ and select the adjacent button entitled ‘Apply’.  Next, select the hearing date (which should be the first available), and the entire agenda will then be presented.  Scroll down to the bottom of the agenda, and you will have access to all petition files in PDF form. 



If you desire to submit documents, expert opinions, or other like material either in favor of or in opposition to the applications, you can do so by email to, or by regular mail by mailing to Ed Pimentel, Zoning Officer, 145 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 by 8 December 2023.


Please note that the referenced Zoning Board of Review Agenda is posted on the City of East Providence Website, in addition to being Posted in both the City of East Providence City Hall and Weaver Library.




Location Details

Being Held City Council Chambers
City Hall, Council Chambers
145 Taunton Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914-____