East Providence closes city buildings to public, prohibits gatherings of 10 or more

Office of the Mayor
Patricia Resende
(401) 529-3207

East Providence closes city buildings to public, prohibits gatherings of 10 or more people

EAST PROVIDENCE, RI – City of East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva issued an executive order closing City Hall and all other municipal buildings to the public until further notice.

Many of the City’s services will still be made available online at www.eastprovidence.com or by phone by contacting city personnel at 401-435-7500 and 401-435-7596.

The executive order also prohibits gatherings of 10 or more people at civic, public, leisure or faith-based events, sporting events with spectators, concerts, fundraisers, fairs and more.

“My administration is committed to providing our community the services they need while also taking all necessary steps to keeping safe our residents, employees and the community at large,” Mayor DaSilva said.

In addition, Mayor DaSilva reminds the community that price gouging for essential items is illegal and will not be tolerated within the City during the Declaration of Municipal Emergency.


March 20, 2020
WHEREAS, on March 15, 2020, Mayor Roberto L. DaSilva, issued Executive Order 2020-004 declaring a state of municipal emergency due to the outbreak of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, the City of East Providence continues to coordinate a comprehensive response to ever changing events and circumstance on a daily basis; and
WHEREAS, containing community spread of the virus is of critical of importance to the long-term health and safety of our residents, city employees, and others within our community; and
WHEREAS, Rhode Island General Laws §§30-15-12(b) and 30-15-9(e)(13) permit the Mayor to “do all other things necessary to effectively cope with disasters in the City not
inconsistent with other provision of law.”

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Roberto L. DaSilva, by virtue of the authority vested in me as the Mayor of the City of East Providence, pursuant to the Rhode Island General Laws and the Home Rule Charter of the City of East Providence, do hereby order and direct the following:
1. Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, City Hall of East Providence and all other municipal buildings are closed to the general public. Residents are encouraged to use the City’s website, contact it by phone at (401) 435-7500, and or use the United States postal service to communicate, file, or interact with City personnel for essential City services.

2. Title researchers, mortgage and deed filings can be done electronically through the Office of City Clerk and all legal and title professionals are urged to make use of these methods when dealing with land evidence or official recordings. If an in-person filing or meeting is necessary, an appointment must be made during the hours of 8:30 am to 4:00 pm with the Office of the City Clerk by calling (401) 435-7596.

3. Funeral homes requiring death certificates must call City Clerk’s office to schedule a necessary appointment (401) 435-7596.

4. Price gouging for essential commodities as defined under R.I.G.L. § 6-13-21(b)(3) is illegal and will not be tolerated within the City during the duration of the Declaration of Municipal Emergency.

5. In accordance with Centers for Disease Control & Prevention guidelines, all gatherings of ten (10) people or more are prohibited in the City of East Providence. Gatherings subject to this Order include, but are not limited to, community, civic, public, leisure, or faith-based events, sporting events with spectators, concerts, conventions, fundraisers, parades, fairs, festivals, and any other similar activity that brings together ten (10) or more people at the same time.
This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and remain in full force and effect through April 17, 2020.

Roberto L. DaSilva
