March 14, 2023 Police and Fire Pension Board Special Meeting

Posted: March 9, 2023


A special meeting of the Firemen’s and Policemen’s Retirement Pension Fund Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, the 14th of March 2023 in Conference Room A at City Hall, 145 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 at 9:00 a.m.


Lt. Jeffrey Wyrostek, Chairman, Fire Representative
Capt. James Nelson, Vice Chairman, Police Representative
John C. Neale, Retiree Representative
John F. Wallace, Civilian Representative
Frank Fogarty, Councilman, City Council Representative
Roberto L. DaSilva, Mayor
Malcolm Moore, Director of Finance, Administrator

Other Attendees:

Michael Dwyer, Wainwright Investment Counsel, LLC
Kim Brown, Pension Clerk


I Swear in new City Council Representative

II Call to Order

Motion: By_____2nd_____
Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Fogarty ____ DaSilva______Moore____

III Presentation by ARGA Investment Management, LP

ARGA Investment Management, LP will here to present what they submitted for the RFP issued by Wainwright Investment Counsel, LLC for the Emerging Markets Equity Manager Search to the Board

Accepting Handouts into Record

Motion: By_____2nd_____
Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Fogarty ____ DaSilva______Moore____

IV Presentation by Driehaus Capital Management LLC

Driehaus Capital Management LLC will here to present what they submitted for the RFP issued by Wainwright Investment Counsel, LLC for the Emerging Markets Equity Manager Search to the Board

Accepting Handouts into Record

Motion: By_____2nd_____
Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Fogarty ____ DaSilva______Moore____

V Presentation by Westwood Global Investments, LLC

Westwood Global Investments, LLC will here to present what they submitted for the RFP issued by Wainwright Investment Counsel, LLC for the Emerging Markets Equity Manager Search to the Board

Accepting Handouts into Record

Motion: By_____2nd_____
Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Fogarty ____ DaSilva______Moore____

VI Presentation/Discussion/Vote by Wainwright Investments LLC

Michael Dwyer will be here from the pension investment counsel firm to review the January 2023 Performance Report and discuss the presentations presented for an Emerging Markets Equity Investment Management firm.

Accepting reports and handouts into record

Motion: By_____2nd_____
Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Fogarty ____ DaSilva______Moore____

Recommendations regarding the Emerging Markets Equity Manager Search

Motion: By_____2nd_____
Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Fogarty ____ DaSilva______Moore____

VII Adjournment

Motion: By_____2nd_____
Wyrostek ____Nelson ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Fogarty ____ DaSilva______Moore____
