East Providence Planning Board - Notice of Public Hearing


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the East Providence Planning Board at
East Providence City Hall, 145 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI, Room 306 (3rd floor), on
Tuesday April 1, 2025 at 7:00PM.

The purpose of the public hearing is to consider recommendations to the City Council on the
proposed adoption of the new 2025 East Providence Comprehensive Plan. The preparation, revision,
and adoption of this 2025 Comprehensive Plan are considered in accordance with the provisions of
RIGL Chapter 22.2, the Rhode Island Comprehensive Planning & Land Use Regulation Act.

The proposed plan under consideration will update in its entirety the prior 2010 Comprehensive
Plan, including the following chapters: Housing, Economic Development, City Services and
Facilities, Transportation and Connectivity, Recreation, Natural Resources, Natural Hazards and
Climate Change, History, Culture and the Arts, Sustainability, Waterfront District, Land Use, and

The current version of the proposed plan varies in the following ways from the version considered
at the Planning Board’s 8/19/24 public hearing:

• Implementation Schedule now includes relevant Goals and Policies from chapters as well as
current status of recommended Action Items. The plan’s recommendations have not changed.
• The Future Land Use Map more accurately reflects the layout of the Silver Spring Golf Course
located at 3303 Pawtucket Ave. (Assessor’s Map 310, Block 7, Lots 4, 4.1 & 4.2 and Map 210, Block
3, Lot 7). Recommended land use for the golf course continues to be “Conservation / Parks.”

The proposed plan is available at the following locations:

• The City of East Providence’s website at www.eastprovidenceri.gov/community.
• In person at the East Providence Department of Planning and Economic Development, 145 Taunton
Ave., East Providence, Room 309. Phone: 401-654-4288.

Anyone wishing to be heard on the proposed matter should be present at the aforementioned date and
time. At the public hearing, opportunity shall be given to all persons interested to be heard upon
the matter of the proposed amendments.

The proposed plan may be altered or amended prior to the close of the public hearing without
further advertising, as a result of further study or because of the views expressed at the public
hearing. Individuals requesting interpreter services for the hearing impaired or needing other
special services must call (401) 435-7500 forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting date.

Event Date 
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - 7:00pm
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Location Details

City Hall Room 306
145 Taunton Ave
East Providence, RI 02914