Halloween: A Haunted History by Dustin Pari

Halloween: A Haunted History by Dustin Pari
Autumnal breezes, crisp leaves, and pumpkin flavored everything! What is it about this time of year that is so enchanting, so mystifying?

In this lecture, Dustin sheds some light on the spooky shadows of Halloween history and lore. Ghost stories? Oh yeah, he has some of those too.

With 30 years of experience researching the unknown, Dustin Pari brings exciting and positive lectures about the paranormal all across the country, As a part of television's Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, and appearances on Destination Truth and Ghost Nation, Dustin has traveled the world over looking for answers and expanding his understanding of the unseen realm.

In addition to conducting his paranormal research, Dustin also does a lot of work as a motivational speaker, mental health and suicide awareness advocate, and Christian lecturer.

This event is free and open to all. Registration not required.


Location Details

Weaver Library
41 Grove Ave.
East Providence, RI 02914