May 16, 2022 Police and Fire Pension Board Quarterly Meeting Notice and Agenda

Posted: May 11, 2022




A regular quarterly meeting of the Firemen’s and Policemen’s Retirement Pension Fund Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, the 16th of May 2022 in Council Chambers at City Hall, 145 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 at 3:00 p.m.




Lt. Jeffrey Wyrostek, Chairman, Fire Representative

Capt. James Nelson, Vice Chairman, Police Representative

John C. Neale, Retiree Representative

John F. Wallace, Civilian Representative

Ricardo D. Mourato, Councilman, City Council Representative

Roberto L. DaSilva, Mayor

Malcolm Moore, Director of Finance, Administrator


Other Attendees:


Michael J. Marcello, City Solicitor

Michael Dwyer, Wainwright Investment Counsel, LLC

Kim Brown, Pension Clerk





I           Call to Order


Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____



II         Presentation by Wainwright Investments LLC


Michael Dwyer will be here from the pension investment counsel firm to review the March 2022 Performance Report.


Recommendations / Cash Flow for invoices if necessary


Motion: By_____2nd_____

Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____


Accepting Handouts into Record


Motion: By_____2nd_____

Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____



III        To Approve the Consent Calendar


All items under “Consent Calendar” are considered to be of a routine and noncontroversial nature by the Board and will be enacted by one motion.  There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the “Consent Calendar” and will be considered in its normal sequence on the docket.


Pension meeting journal for February 28, 2022

COLA listing for March, April, May 2022

Barings Invoice 1st Qtr.

IR+M Invoice 1st Qtr.

Invesco Invoice 1st Qtr.

Nyhart Invoice February 2022

Principal Custody Solutions Fee Advise 1st Qtr.

RhumbLine Invoice 1st Qtr.

Wainwright Investment Counsel, LLC 1st Qtr.

Capital Call for CITCO - Entrust Global Recovery Fund LP

Capital Call for CITCO - Entrust ETG Co-Invest Opportunities Fund LP

Capital Call for CITCO - Entrust ETG Co-Invest Opportunities Fund LP

Capital Call for HarbourVest - Dover Street X L.P.

Invesco Monthly Account Statement for February, March and April 2022

Principal U.S. Property 1st Qtr. 2022 Flash Report

APRA request by Nanette Lee – Wainwright replied

MASTRY Ventures correspondence

Barings Schedule K-1

Barings Financial Statement December 31, 2021

Principal U.S. Property Account 2021 Annual Report


Motion: By_____2nd_____

Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____




IV        Discussion/Vote regarding editing the wording of Ordinance 11-252 originally presented as 11-253 in September 2018 titled Death of a retired participant


Motion: By_____2nd_____

Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____



V         Update / Discussion regarding a Military Buyback policy and Federal Law regarding re-deployment and extending time / clock stop for buyback


Motion: By_____2nd_____

Wyrostek ____ Nelson_____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____



VI        Executive Session


The Police and Fire Retirement System of the City of East Providence will meet in Executive Session pursuant to RI General Laws § 42-46-5 (a)(1),  § 45-21-2-9 and  § 42-46-5 (a)(2)


Motion: By_____2nd_____

Wyrostek ____Nelson ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____



A.    Request for a Service-Connected Disability Pension  


FF Burns


Motion: By_____2nd_____

 Wyrostek ____Nelson ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____




VII      Seal Minutes and Adjourn Executive Session


Motion: By_____2nd_____

 Wyrostek ____Nelson ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____



VIII     Reading of the votes from Executive Session


 Motion: By_____2nd_____

 Wyrostek ____Nelson ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____


IX        Adjournment


    Motion: By_____2nd_____

    Wyrostek ____Nelson ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva______Moore____
