City of East Providence delays 2023 Labor Day rubbish collection


August 29, 2023



Office of the Mayor

Patricia Resende

(401) 529-3207


City of East Providence delays Labor Day rubbish collection


EAST PROVIDENCE, RI — The City of East Providence Dept. of Public Works has announced that due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 4, 2023 there will be no rubbish or yard waste collection.  Monday’s rubbish and yard waste will be collected on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 and collections for the remainder of the week will be delayed by one day.  Residents are asked to have containers at the curb by 6 a.m. for collection.  


Bulky item collection remains the same and is still scheduled for Friday, September 8, 2023.




For questions or more information, please contact DPW Program Coordinator, Donna McMahon at (401) 435-7701 Fax: 434-1725.  


