City of East Providence extends closures of city centers and court sessions; Moves meetings online

EAST PROVIDENCE, RI – The City of East Providence Senior and Recreation Centers will extend the closure and cancellation of most programs effective immediately, under Executive Order 2022-002, due to the continued prevalence and transmissibility of the COVID-19 Omicron variant and the increased number of COVID-19 positive cases.

The closures and cancellations will be extended until Jan. 28, 2022 and will be re-evaluated at that time. The move is in an attempt to #StopTheSpread of the virus.

During this extended period, the Senior Center will continue its Grab and Go lunch program and home delivery of lunches will continue to be made available for those seniors who are unable to drive to the Center. The Senior Center does not deliver lunches to residents staying outside of East Providence. Seniors, who would like to order a lunch for pick up or delivery, are asked to contact our Dining Room Manager Cindy by calling 401-270-1814.

In addition, Boards and Commission meetings may now meet via virtual/remote member attendance and public participation until January 28, 2022. City buildings continue to mandate masks for all visitors and employees whether or not they are vaccinated.

Also, under Executive Order 2022-003, the suspension of Municipal and Probate Court sessions has been extended until January 28, 2022. There will be no municipal court sessions on Thursday, January 20, 2022 and Thursday, January 27, 2022. Those who were scheduled to appear in Municipal Court on those dates, will receive a letter in the mail with a new court date.  Please contact 401-435-7540 with any Municipal Court questions. 

There will be no Probate Court scheduled for Tuesday, January 25, 2022. Please contact 401-435-7500  EXT 11037 with any Probate Court Questions.

Residents needing assistance with scheduling COVID-19 testing, vaccinations, food and other resources may call the Senior Center at 401-435-7800 or the COVID-19 Hotline at 401-533-9812 or visit

 Executive Order 2022-002 

Amendment of Executive Order 2021-018  

January 14, 2022 




WHEREAS, On December 31, 2021, Executive Order 2021-018 was issued to have the Robert E. Rock Senior Center closed and all Senior Center and Recreation Center programs and activities cancelled until January 14, 2022; and 

WHEREAS, On December 31, 2021, Executive Order 2021-018 was issued to have all City Boards and Commission meetings scheduled to meet in person during the two-week period ending on January 14, 2022 cancelled unless the Honorable Governor or General Assembly takes executive or legislative action to amend the Open Meetings Act to allow for virtual/remote member attendance and public participation; and 

WHEREAS, On January 6, 2022, The Honorable Governor issued Executive Order 22-01 Allowing Remote Participation in Public Meetings; and  

WHEREAS, the prevalence and transmissibility of the COVID-19 Omicron variant has continued to cause an increase in infections; and 

WHEREAS, city employees continue to contract the virus further hampering the City’s ability to provide some services. 

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Roberto L. DaSilva, by virtue of the authority vested in me as the Mayor of the City of East Providence, pursuant to the Rhode Island General Laws and the Home Rule Charter of the City of East Providence, do hereby extend and amend the following: 

  1. Extend Executive Order 2021-018 Closing the East Providence Senior and Recreation Centers until January 28, 2022.  
  2. Extend and Amend Executive Order 2021-018 that all canceled city boards and commission meetings scheduled to meet in person during the two-week period ending on January 14, 2022. Boards and Commissions may now meet via virtual/remote member attendance and public participation until January 28, 2022. 

This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and remain in full force and effect through January 28, 2022 unless renewed, modified or terminated by a subsequent Executive Order. 

So Ordered: Roberto L. DaSilva, Mayor 



Executive Order 2022-003 

Extension of Executive Order 2022-001  

January 14, 2022 


Suspension of Municipal and PROBATE Court Sessions  


WHEREAS, on January 4, 2022, Executive Order 2022-001 was issued for all East Providence Municipal Court sessions to be suspended until January 14, 2022; and  

WHEREAS, on January 4, 2022, Executive Order 2022-001 was issued for all East Providence Probate Court sessions to be suspended until January 14, 2022; and  

WHEREAS, the prevalence and transmissibility of the COVID-19 omicron variant has continued to cause an increase in infections; and  

WHEREAS, city employees continue to contract the virus further hampering the City’s ability to provide some services. 

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Roberto L. DaSilva, by virtue of the authority vested in me as the Mayor of the City of East Providence, pursuant to the Rhode Island General Laws and the Home Rule Charter of the City of East Providence, do hereby order and direct the following: 

  1. Extend Executive Order 2022-001 Suspension of Municipal and Probate Court Sessions until January 28, 2022.  

This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and remain in full force and effect through January 28, 2022 unless renewed, modified or terminated by a subsequent Executive Order. 

So Ordered: Roberto L. DaSilva, Mayor  






