Office of the Mayor
Patricia Resende
(401) 529-3207
City engages community to join the conversation on the Pathway to 2040 Comprehensive Plan
EAST PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Bob DaSilva is pleased to announce another opportunity for residents to talk about the City’s future. Four public workshops, one for each Ward of the City, are schedule as part of a robust public engagement process for the City’s Comprehensive Plan update.
The Comprehensive Plan is a blueprint for the City’s future. This important document is used by local officials and city departments to guide decisions that can help and support residents and local businesses.
Due to ongoing restrictions on public gatherings, the four workshops will be held virtually.
“While these meetings will be virtual, our goal is to make them as engaging as possible,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said.
After a short presentation, participants will be randomly assigned to virtual breakout rooms to talk in small groups about a future vision for East Providence. Discussions will focus on the City’s strengths, areas that need support, and which parts of the City can be transformed to meet the needs of the community.
Each workshop will represent one of the four city Wards. Residents can attend any meeting but are strongly encouraged to participate in the one for their Ward.
Ward 1: Thursday, April 1, 2021, 7-8:30 pm
Ward 2: Thursday, April 8, 2021, 7-8:30 pm
Ward 3: Thursday, April 15, 2021, 7-8:30 pm
Ward 4: Thursday, April 22, 2021, 7-8:30 pm
Residents and business owners are encouraged to register for the ward meetings.
The Comprehensive Plan covers a wide range of issues that impact our quality of life, including our neighborhoods, where we shop, parks and playgrounds, public services, historic sites and buildings, local employers, as well as how we get around the city. The plan talks about where we are as a community, where we want to be in the next 10 to 20 years, and how we are going to get there.
Through the Comprehensive Plan update process, we recognize and anticipate changes in the future and respond through a clear and direct-action agenda. The City’s current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2010. It is important that the plan remain current on the makeup of the City and accurately reflect what is happening on the ground in East Providence.
Most importantly, the Comprehensive Plan is a document written by the community and expresses what makes East Providence a unique and special place to live, work and play.
Director of Planning and Economic Development William Fazioli says public participation throughout the update process is a major focus of this effort and encourages residents to participate in the upcoming Ward meetings.
“Every voice needs to be heard to understand what the community values,” Fazioli said. “These Ward meetings will help us understand neighborhood issues as well as talk about the City’s future as a whole.”
Residents can learn about the Comprehensive Plan and why it is important and obtain the latest information on the process and how to share their ideas by visiting the City’s website,
For more information please contact: Director of Planning and Economic Development William Fazioli at