East Providence & Global Partners Oil Application

1 Start 2 Complete

To be eligible, your household must already be receiving social service aid of some kind. Additionally, your household monthly gross income may not exceed the following:
Household Size    12 Month    3 Month     1 Month
1                 $39,101     $9,775.25   $3,258.42
2                 $51,133     $12,783.25  $4,261.08
3                 $63,164     $15,791.00  $5,263.67
4                 $75,196     $18,799.00  $6,266.33
5                 $87,227     $21,806.75  $7,268.92
6                 $99,258     $24,814.50  $8,271.50
7                 $101,514    $25,378.50  $8,459.50
8                 $103,770    $25,942.50  $8,647.50

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By providing application information, you authorize the City of East Providence and its authorized agents to verify the data provided against federal, state, county, employer and landlord databases or records. I know that should any information I provide in this application be false or misleading, it will be the basis for ineligibility and will be investigated and prosecuted as fraud. I also acknowledge that my eligibility does not guarantee receipt of this one-time heating oil assistance, as all eligible applicants will be chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis.