



INSTRUCTIONS:  This application requests the minimum amount of information necessary for the determination of funding. Additional information should be included only as necessary. Where specific questions do not apply to your proposal, please print “Not Applicable.” Please refer to attached Evaluation Criteria for scoring priority.


SPONSORING AGENCY:                                                                              




PERSON ADMINISTERING THE PROGRAM:                               ________


TELEPHONE: ________________________ E-Mail                                     


PROGRAM TITLE: ____________________________________________


AMOUNT REQUESTED: _______________________________________




Proposed projects must meet both 1 and 2 of the requirements below and be consistent with the Five-Year Consolidated Plan or will be designated as not eligible for funding:


  1. Either a) 100% of the use of CDBG funds must directly benefit low and moderate-income families, individuals, or households according to the income limits below as determined by HUD. Eligible gross income of beneficiaries must be documented;

OR b) CDBG funded activities may qualify if they will benefit all the residents of a primarily-residential area where at least 51% of the residents are low-to moderate-income. Income limits are adjusted by family or household size. The Community Development Office will provide HUD- defined eligible census block groups upon request.


Family, individual, or household income consists of current gross income from all sources including Social Security, pension, salaries, wages, interest income, rent, etc.



Family/Individual/Household Size

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$54,150 $61,900 $69,650 $77,350 $83,550 $89,750 $95,950 $102,150





  1. Projects must be consistent with, and further at least one of the objectives below.


CDBG Objectives


  1. Which objective does the CDBG-funded activity help address?


b.   What benchmarks and timeline will be used to measure the impact  and effectiveness the activity has toward reaching the objective?         


Community Development



  1. Housing Objectives & Outcomes


Objective One: Maintain the existing housing stock so that it provides accessible, sustainable, decent, safe and affordable housing choices in the City

Outcome: Housing stock is stabilized for households with a variety of incomes and housing needs


Objective Two: Increase the supply of affordable housing and housing types through infill development and development opportunities in the Waterfront District for low-to moderate-income households in the City.

Outcome: Households in need of affordable units have access to new housing opportunities


Objective Three: Increase rental housing opportunities for lower-income families in the City

Outcome: Households whose income precludes them from ownership have access to safe, decent, and affordable rental units to meet their needs


Objective Four: Provide homeownership opportunities in the City for first time buyers

Outcome: Families will have homeownership opportunities through accessing subsidized financing to buy starter homes


Objective Five: Provide Landlords of smaller multi-family properties with support for maintaining, and incentives for converting to affordable housing

Outcome: More affordable rental units will be available for households, and

landlord- owned property will be stabilized as safe, decent, and affordable rental units


Objective Six: Ensure that there is affordable, sustainable, and accessible ageing-in-place housing for our growing senior population

Outcome: More seniors will have the option to either remain in their own house or move to a new one to accommodate their housing needs


Goal Seven: Provide transitional housing opportunities for the homeless or those at risk of becoming homeless

Outcome: Homeless persons and families will have the opportunity to move from homelessness to permanent sustainable housing


Goal Eight: Work in collaboration with the East Providence Housing Authority to seek opportunities to further access affordable housing choices

Outcome: Create additional subsidized affordable housing units for families, elderly, and individuals


Objective Nine: Provide Fair Housing education and information through various media to help prevent impediments to Fair Housing

Outcome: Prevent future impediments to fair housing choice from occurring


Goal Ten: Pursue regional affordable housing initiatives

Outcome: Provide affordable housing options in a coordinated pro-active fashion for the region



  1. Public Facilities & Infrastructure Objectives and Outcomes


Objective One: Identify neighborhood-level public infrastructure needs that do not have other existing public funding resources, giving priority to those that are concentrated in income-eligible neighborhoods

Outcome: Infrastructure will continue to be a neighborhood asset and function to meet basic needs for which it was intended


Objective Two: Prioritize public facilities that provide community benefits and services, in particular those providing housing, health, senior, youth, or employment services

Outcome: Stabilize and grow the capacity of facilities providing community services


Objective Three: Identify and prioritize revitalization needs of public facilities, including historic preservation, energy efficiency, health, safety, and technology

Outcome: Broadens the approach to addressing public facilities to include more comprehensive and modern-day considerations


Objective Four: Provide assistance to remove architectural barriers to accessibility

Outcome: Broadens the participation and access to persons with a disability


Objective Five: Provide opportunities for aesthetic and artistic ornamentation as a part of public facilities improvement when feasible

Outcome: Add value and livability to a neighborhood and provide opportunities to artistic professionals



  1. Public Service Objectives and Outcomes


Objective One: Support the financial, social and environmental needs of the senior population

Outcome: Help stabilize the quality of life and housing situation for the elderly


Objective Two: Provide programs for youth which allow them to reach their full potential and guide them toward appropriate social and recreational opportunities

Outcome: Youth will feel more a part of their community which will lead to more participation in community events and civil engagement.


Objective Three: Support quality, accessible and affordable medical services for all eligible residents

Outcomes: Quality of life will be significantly improved through access to affordable medical services


Objective Four: Offer job training and re-training programs which will provide residents with usable skills in fields with employment opportunities

Outcome: Stabilize households with marginal income


Objective Five: Provide preventative and supportive services to meet the needs of the homeless or those at risk of becoming homeless

Outcome: Transition the homeless to permanent housing and stabilize household incomes that are marginal


Objective Six: Provide educational opportunities and appropriate social services to families in need of assistance

Outcome: Improve families’ economic and social circumstances


Objective Seven: Provide services to veterans to accommodate their needs in civilian life

Outcome: Increase quality of life


Objective Eight: Provide services to access computers and Wi-Fi through education and provision of equipment

Outcome: The digital divide and disparities will be decreased providing greater inclusion


Objective Nine: Provide needed services to those with disabilities

Outcome: Increased inclusion and quality of life



  1. Economic Development Objectives and Outcomes


Objective One: Support and create programs that facilitate the rehabilitation of commercial businesses in eligible areas

Outcomes: Add esthetic value and maintain economic activity in commercial corridors while creating jobs


Objective Two: Support and create programs that provide job training for unemployed, underemployed or unskilled persons

Outcome: Create jobs and provide new economic opportunities


Objective Three: Provide loans to businesses for job creation or services in areas of concentrated low-to moderate-income families

Outcome: Stabilize small businesses and maintain economic activity


Objective Four: Leverage funding sources such as New Market Tax Credits, Economic Development Incentive Grants, etc.

Outcome: Provide comprehensive financing tools to leverage the implementation of community development activities


Objective Five: Create higher-wage employment opportunities for currently lower-wage workers

Outcome: Increase stabilization of incomes and increase economic health of the business community




Please note the following questions are rated and scored. Please refer to the attached APPLICATION EVALUATION section.





a. What problems or needs will this program address? State needs in numerical terms and/or as compared with other areas or as a sub-population that has a disproportionate level of need compared to the general population.


b. Provide demographic details of who will be eligible to be served by the activity?  What income range is estimated for the persons to benefit? What is the race, family type, sex, age, etc. of the people that the activity will benefit?





a. What are the program’s goals that you hope to meet?


b. What specific activities will your program provide to meet its goals?


c. To what extent (in numerical terms) will your program address the needs identified in 1 above?




  1.  Outputs: What are the direct products of the program’s activities, such as number of households or persons served, units of affordable housing developed, number of intakes/applications processed, number of families, seniors, youth, etc. that participated, or numbers of jobs created or retained?


  1. Outcomes: What larger community impact or issue will be addressed? Outcomes typically relate to a change in conditions, status, attitudes, skills, knowledge, or behavior.  Common outcomes could include improved quality of life for program participants, stabilized income, or persons, families, businesses that are now more engaged in their community. When possible, provide this in numerical terms such as lowering the rate of domestic violence occurrences.


  1. Indirect Impacts: What effect do your program activities have beyond their direct impact such as counseling that leads to more stable income, youth engagement that leads to civic participation, skills training that leads to personal independence?


  1. Duration: Will the benefits of this activity last beyond the program activity?





a. Outreach: How are your services directed to potential beneficiaries in an accessible manner, with consideration for language and cultural issues?


b. Access:  Where is the project located and what is the targeted service area of the project? Is its location on a bus route and accessible to people with disabilities?

c. Management:   Provide a clear chain of responsibilities including key staff


d. Other Service Providers: Describe how your program fits in with other area service providers? Who else provides this service, who refers clients to your agency, and what agency do you make referrals to?




[    ] One time only project

[    ] CDBG funds will be used as seed money

[    ] Will probably apply for CDBG funds annually

[    ] CDBG funds will be used for leveraging other funding



a. Please indicate the total cost of your proposed project broken down into CDBG Funding and Other Funding. For Other Funding, please attach a detailed itemized budget. Indicate if CDBG funding will be used to leverage other funding sources.



List Expense Category











































The Community Development Act’s Objectives: The development of viable urban communities, including decent housing and suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunity, principally for persons of low and moderate income.


The high priorities for funding this year are to benefit East Providence's residents and businesses by increasing economic and affordable housing opportunities, improving quality of life, and increasing inclusion of those that have historically been marginalized. High priority groups for targeting CDBG resources are youth, single heads of households, seniors, veterans, disabled, small  businesses, and landlords with one-to-four unit properties.


The more competitive proposals will be those that demonstrate a comprehensive approach to a targeted need. One example would be a collaboration between various agencies that together provide services that move a targeted client out of their current need in a sustainable way through housing, income opportunities, and public service networks of support.


A competitive proposal will demonstrate a knowledge of the continuum of care of those they hope to impact. An example of this would be a program providing job training to clients that first need literacy training and afterward need personal finance training. Thus the jobs training program needs to be networked with literacy and personal finance service agencies.


Basic Eligible Activities:


a.         Economic Development: Financing for business expansion or start-up. It can be used for equipment, acquisition, facility improvements, etc.. Activities must create or retain jobs of which at least 51% are available to low-to-moderate-income persons.


b.         Acquisition:  Acquisition by purchase, long-term lease, donation or otherwise, in whole or in part, of real property for benefiting low-to moderate-income persons.


c.         Public Facilities and Improvements:  Acquisition, construction, rehabilitation or installation of public facilities and improvements carried out by the City or other public, private or non-profit entities. Some examples are shelters for the homeless, parks and playground improvements, community, senior and health centers.


d.         Clearance Activities:  Clearance, demolition, removal of buildings and improvements, including movement of structures to other sites.


e.         Public Services:  Directed towards improving the community’s public services and facilities, including those concerned with employment, crime prevention and trauma support, child and adult care, health, drug abuse counseling and treatment, education, energy conservation, welfare or recreational needs, job training, public safety services, and senior services.


f.          Removal of Architectural Barriers:  Special projects to remove material and architectural barriers restricting the mobility and accessibility of elderly or disabled persons to publicly-owned and privately-owned buildings, facilities and improvements. Some examples are camps, curb cuts, wider doorways, and elevators.


g.         Rehabilitation Activities:  Finance the rehabilitation of any publicly or

privately-owned property. Some examples are: assistance to private individuals and entities, including for-profit and non-profit organizations, to acquire for the purpose of rehabilitation or to rehabilitate properties for use or resale as residential properties;


Improvements, renovations or repair; replacement of principal fixtures and components; increasing efficient use of energy such as installation of storm windows and doors, siding, insulation and heating and cooling equipment;

Rehabilitation services such as rehab counseling, tool bank, energy auditing, preparation of work specifications;



h.         Planning and Capacity Building:  Studies, analyses, data gathering and preparation of plans. Some examples are individual project plans, community development plans, small area and neighborhood plans, environmental and historic preservation studies.






2023 – 2024 CDBG Evaluation Criteria

The general categories under which funding is available are: Housing, Public Services, Public Works, Public Facilities, and Economic Development. Funding for the CDBG anticipated annual award of $750,000 will be based on the priorities of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan 2020 - 2024 and this year’s priorities. These can be found on the Community Development’s web page:


1. STATEMENT OF NEED                       Up to 25 points


10 points - Need is shown as having a significant negative impact on basic quality of life issues


10 points - Program targets a sub-population with higher needs than the general population and provides demographic information on intended beneficiaries


 5 points – Up-to-date data documented from a reliable statistical source



2. ADDRESSING THE NEED                      Up to 20 Points


 5 points - If specific data or documentation is provided from a reliable source or study that supports the stated results of the activity


 5 points - If specific data or documentation is provided from a reliable source or study that supports the activity’s approach


 5 points – The documented need has been addressed by over 5%


 5 points - New or innovative approach to addressing the need




3. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION                 Up to 20 points


 5 points - Clear timetable with benchmarks for specific outputs


10 points - Outcomes have a significant community impact and are based on data from past experience or other supporting documentation


 5 points - Program benefit lasts beyond program delivery



4. PROGRAM DETAILS                            Up to 10 points


 2 points - A clear narration describing the supporting activities needed to provide the service or benefit               


 2 points - Outreach is directed to potential beneficiaries in an accessible manner with consideration for language and cultural issues


 2 points - Service delivery is accessible and provided within the City of East                                Providence


 2 points - Clear chain of responsibilities including list of key staff


 2 points – Program is well-networked and collaborates with other community providers



5. FUTURE FUNDING                               Up to 15 points


10 points - CDBG funds used as SEED funding with documented financial sustainability


 5 points - CDBG funds will leverage documented additional funds



6. ESTIMATED BUDGET                         Up to 10 points


 6 points - Budget accounts for all costs associated with             program activity


 4 points - CDBG funds represent less than 25% of total project budget


 2 points - CDBG funds represent less than 50% of total project budget





Persons in Household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
80% Median Area Income $54,150 $61,900 $69,650 $77,350 $83,550 $89,750 $95,950 $102,150



Low & Moderate Income is determined based on family size and gross annual income. All families with incomes at or below 80% are eligible as CDBG beneficiaries. Incomes may be documented using a self-certification form, copies of source documentation of all family income, or if participants are already enrolled in another federal program that documents their income as being low to moderate.  If you are providing an area-specific benefit, it must be documented by sign-in sheets providing signatures and addresses that are located in census tracts and/or block groups occupied with at least 51% low-to moderate-income families (provided by the Community Development Office upon request).


