City of East Providence
Office of the Mayor
Executive Order 2022-007
November 14, 2022
Mayor’s Advisory Council on INDIGENOUS AFFAIRS
WHEREAS, The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs will advise the mayor of East Providence on issues affecting American Indian, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian people residing in East Providence and surrounding areas. The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs builds and strengthens Indigenous representation and knowledge in public policy processes by promoting and advancing priorities and solutions identified by and for Indigenous communities.
WHEREAS, The goal of the Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs is to advise the mayor on policies that will improve the ability of the City of East Providence to serve, support, and promote the Indigenous community. It will also recommend measures designed to enhance the health, safety, economic opportunity and affordability, educational programs, cultural and learning opportunities, government access and accountability for the Indigenous community. It addition, the Council will advise the mayor on gatherings, meetings, and forums on issues of concern for the Indigenous community.
WHEREAS, It shall be the function of the Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs to:
1. Advocate for a culture of respect and monitor progress toward equality of all Indigenous populations, including American Indian, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian people.
2. Promote policies and practices that have a positive effect on the health, welfare, and safety of all persons who live, visit, or work in the City of East Providence with respect to all Indigenous people.
3. To cooperate with the city in the development of educational programs and outreach dedicated to the improvement of Indigenous residents and visitors by eliciting support from public and private entities engaged in the promotion of ideals of tolerance, mutual respect, and understanding.
4. To recommend solutions to the social, economic, cultural, and political problems facing the Indigenous community, and to serve as the liaison between the indigenous community and the City’s government;
5. To serve as a forum to which individuals and groups can express concerns related to issues of discrimination towards Indigenous residents.
6. Plan events, gatherings, meetings, and forums that promote inclusiveness, respect, equality, and create visibility for the Indigenous community in East Providence.
7. Such other tasks that may be assigned to the Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs by the Mayor of East Providence.
8. The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs will serve for a term of one (1) year, but shall remain on the Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs until a successor is appointed.
9. The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs shall serve in an advisory capacity to consult the Mayor and other members of the administration, pursuant to Executive Order 2022-007
10. The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs is empowered to work with and through the office of the Mayor and the Municipal Integrity Officer in order to accomplish any work deemed necessary.
a.The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs shall consist (7) seven members and (3) alternates, a majority of whom shall be members of the Indigenous community. The Mayor or his designee shall serve as an ex officio members of the Indigenous Advisory Council.
b.The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs shall elect three officers, a Chair, Vice Chair and a Secretary who shall serve in these positions for one year. The Municipal Integrity Officer shall oversee the Advisory Council and provide technical assistance and staff support to the Advisory Council.
c.The Officers shall be elected at the first regular annual meeting. When an office vacancy occurs, new officers may be elected at any Board meeting by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Indigenous Advisory Council.
d.The Chairperson shall preside over all Indigenous Advisory Council meetings and in his/her absence the Vice Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson and act on all matters that may arise in the absence of the Chairperson.
e.The Secretary shall record attendance, keep minutes of the Indigenous Council.
a. Mayor’s Advisory Council on Affairs These meetings are open, public meetings.
b.The Chairperson is authorized to call a special meeting OR call a special meeting.
c.Two members of the Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs may call a special meeting, on presentation to the Chairperson, per a written request stating the purpose of the meeting.
d.The secretary shall notify members two weeks in advance or not less than forty eight (48) hours, under special circumstances, of any special meetings to be held.
e.To be in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, a quorum shall be a majority of its members. Any formal action to be taken shall be by a majority vote of those advisory council members that are present.
a.If a member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, he or she shall notify the Chairperson or the Municipal Integrity Officer in order to be deemed excused.
b.The Chairperson shall send a letter to any Indigenous Advisory Council member who has three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from the Council meetings to inquire of the member’s continued interest as a member of the Indigenous Advisory Council.
c.The Chairperson will then present the Indigenous Advisory Council with the information obtained from said member. The Indigenous Advisory Council, by majority vote, may recommend to the Mayor for the removal of the board member. If applicable, an email or letter will be mailed via certified mail to the board member informing him/her that he/she has been removed as member of the Indigenous Advisory Council. The email/letter will include the specified reasons for his/her removal.
d.The Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs shall recommend replacement of any directly appointed member who has missed three (3) unexcused consecutive scheduled meetings.
a.Any action not covered by these bylaws will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.
a.These laws may be amended by a two-third (2/3) vote of the membership of the Mayor’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Affairs.
b.Any Amendment to the Executive Order 2022-007 or any subsequent executive order or other municipal or state legislative act that which may conflict with any section of these bylaws shall supersede the conflicting portion, but these bylaws shall otherwise remain unchanged except for the procedure stated in Section VI (a).
Roberto L. DaSilva