October 5, 2022-Zoning Board of Review Meeting Notice





Date:                           Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Starting Time:           6:00 PM

Location:                    City Council Chambers


I.          Opening Statement by Chairman


Swearing in of the Zoning Officer:  Edward Pimentel



II.         Seating of Alternate Member(s)



III.        Approval of Zoning Board Minutes


3 August 2022.


7 September 2022.


IV.        Zoning Officer’s Report



V.         Correspondence / Discussions


Mauro Hantman, 62 Cedar Avenue - Request for six-month extension on approval granted 2 February 2022.  (Dimensional Variances - Petition No. 6890)


VI.        Staff Reports


A. Planning Department Staff Report – Previously Submitted


B. Zoning Complaint List – September 2022 - Previously Submitted



VII.       Continued Business


1A. ROBIN L. CADY and FREDERICK J. HARRIS, seek a ‘Waiver’ of the submission of a Class I Surveyed Site Plan, for property located at 65 WILLOW STREET, being MAP 312, BLOCK 46, PARCEL 1, in a RESIDENTIAL 4 DISTRICT.   (Waiver - Petition No. 6893)


[Continued from 2 March 2022, 11 May 2022, and 13 July 2022.]


1B. ROBIN L. CADY and FREDERICK J. HARRIS, seek permission to retain a rear-yard porch that fails to comply with the minimum rear-yard setback requirement, for property located at 65 WILLOW STREET, being MAP 312, BLOCK 46, PARCEL 1, in a RESIDENTIAL 4 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance - Petition No. 6893)


[Continued from 2 March 2022, 11 May 2022, and 13 July 2022.]

2. JOSEPH GONCALO and GONCALO PROPERTIES, LLC, seek permission to unmerge two (2) parcels via an Administrative Subdivision, stated parcels having been merged for failure to comply with the requisite building coverage requirement, for property located at 177 DOVER AVENUE, being MAP 407, BLOCK 15, PARCEL(S) 4 and 5, in a RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance - Petition No. 6915)


3. KENNETH and MELANIE TWITCHELL, seek permission to construct several additions onto a pre-existing legal nonconforming residence, without complying with the requisite side-yard setbacks, for property located at 210 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, being MAP 414, BLOCK 20, PARCEL 2, in a RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance - Petition No. 6916)


4. BIANCO REALTY ASSOCIATES LLC, seeks permission to subdivide the subject split-zoned property into two (2) distinct parcels along the respective Residential 3 District and Commercial 2 District boundary line, thereby maintaining a pre-existing legal nonconforming two-unit dwelling on the Residential 3 District portion of the property and a pre-existing multi-tenant commercial facility on the Commercial 2 District portion of the property, resulting in several deviations resulting from the subject subdivision action: Residential 3 District property failing to comply with the minimum lot frontage, lot width, and rear-yard setback, as well as exceeding the maximum building and impervious lot coverage requirements, and Commercial 2 District property failing to comply with the requisite setback off of a residential district, exceeding the maximum impervious lot coverage, and minimum off-street parking requirements, for property located at 697 – 699 WILLETT AVENUE, being MAP 512, BLOCK 22, PARCEL 60, in a split-zoned RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT and COMMERCIAL 2 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance(s) - Petition No. 6917)



VIII.      New Business


1. MANUEL RAPOSO, seeks permission to introduce a second accessory detached garage, resulting in an excessive number of accessory garages and failing to comply with the requisite accessory side-yard setback, for property located at 28 ROCKWAY AVENUE, being MAP 507, BLOCK 2, PARCEL 4.1, in an INDUSTRIAL 1 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance(s) - Petition No. 6918)


2. ROBERT and MEGHAN HASKELL, seek permission to subdivide their property (Subdivision approval having already been granted) that contains both a professional office entity and separate two-unit residence, such that the referenced land uses with respective accessory components (e.g., off-street parking) are individually located on their own respective parcel, resulting in failure to comply with respective side-yard setback(s) and a singular minimum lot width requirement, for property located at 833 WILLETT AVENUE, being MAP 513, BLOCK 1, PARCEL 27, in a RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance(s) - Petition No. 6919)


3. ERIC and JENNIFER LAUGHLIN, seek permission to construct a front porch onto a single-family residence without complying with the minimum front-yard setback requirement, for property located at 345 BROWN STREET, being MAP 308, BLOCK 5, PARCEL 22, in a RESIDENTIAL 4 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance - Petition No. 6920)


4. JOSHUA AUDETTE, seeks permission to unmerge his property by means of an Administrative Subdivision, resulting in the following dimensional deviations: Parcel A will retain the existing single-family residence, resulting in failing to comply with the minimum lot-depth and realizing excessive building coverage, as well as retaining two pre-existing dimensional deficiencies, to include a front-yard and rear-yard setback; and Parcel B which will fail to comply with both the minimum lot area and lot width requirement, as well as the proposed single-family residence failing to comply with both the front-yard and rear-yard setbacks, as well as exceeding the maximum building coverage requirement, for property located at 56 IRVING AVENUE, being MAP 305, BLOCK 16, PARCEL(S) 15 and 16, in a split-zoned RESIDENTIAL 6 DISTRICT and RESIDENTIAL 5 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance(s) - Petition No. 6921)

5. FORBES STREET, LLC, seeks permission to retain an expanded parking area and trash storage area, associated with a mixed use residential and storage property, resulting in excessive off-street parking within the requisite front-yard, excessive off-street pavement within the requisite front-yard and vehicles exiting in a rear-fashion, for property located at 100 and 120 FORBES STREET, being MAP 411, BLOCK 5, PARCEL(S) 85 and 86, in a COMMERCIAL 4 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance(s) - Petition No. 6922)


6. EDINGTON FAMILY TRUST, seeks permission to subdivide a parcel via an Administrative Subdivision, resulting in deficient lot area in regard to a pre-existing two-unit residence, and deficient lot area and lot width in regard to a proposed single-family family residence, for property located at 0 and 91 MAIN STREET, being MAP 412, BLOCK 20, PARCEL(S) 3 and 3.1, in a RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance(s) - Petition No. 6923)



IX.        Procedures


A. Discussion on the prepared Zoning Application Instructional Package.



X.         Announcements


A.  The next regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Review is scheduled for Wednesday, 2 November 2022, at 6:00 PM, in the City of East Providence Council Chambers, City Hall, and East Providence, RI.



XI.        Adjournment





APPLICATION/DOCUMENTS:  As part of the above detailed petitions, the applicants have submitted materials which are public record.  If you would like to receive a copy of the materials submitted to view before the hearing, please contact the Zoning Official via email at epimentel@eastprovidenceri.gov and/or call the Zoning Official at (401) 435-7722, Ext. 3.



If you desire to submit documents, expert opinions, or other like material either in favor of or in opposition to the applications, you can do so by email to epimentel@eastprovidenceri.gov, regular mail by mailing to Ed Pimentel, Zoning Officer, 145 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 by 30 September 2022.

