May 11, 2022-Zoning Board of Review Meeting Notice





Date:                           Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Starting Time:           6:00 PM

Location:                    City Council Chambers



I.          Opening Statement by Chairman


Swearing in of the Zoning Officer:  Edward Pimentel



II.         Seating of Alternate Member(s)



III.        Approval of Zoning Board Minutes


13 April 2022.



IV.        Zoning Officer’s Report



V.         Correspondence / Discussions


65 Willow Street.  Requesting a two-month continuance to 13 July 2022, to attain the requisite Class I Surveyed site plan.  Formal request submitted.


1 Sabin Street – Richard Link – Petition 6878 - Requesting a six-month approval extension.  Formal request submitted.



VI.        Staff Reports


A. Planning Department Staff Report – Previously Submitted


B. Zoning Complaint List – April 2022 - Previously Submitted



VII.       Continued Business


1A. ROBIN L. CADY and FREDERICK J. HARRIS, seek a ‘Waiver’ of the submission of a Class I Surveyed Site Plan, for property located at 65 WILLOW STREET, being MAP 312, BLOCK 46, PARCEL 1, in a RESIDENTIAL 4 DISTRICT.   (Waiver - Petition No. 6893)


[Continued from 2 March 2022.  Requesting two-month extension to 13 July 2022.]




1B. ROBIN L. CADY and FREDERICK J. HARRIS, seek permission to retain a rear-yard porch that fails to comply with the minimum rear-yard setback requirement, for property located at 65 WILLOW STREET, being MAP 312, BLOCK 46, PARCEL 1, in a RESIDENTIAL 4 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance - Petition No. 6893)


[Continued from 2 March 2022.  Requesting two-month extension to 13 July 2022.]


2. DAVIID M. SISSON and ITOHAN I. OSAYIMWESE, seek permission to subdivide the subject parcel into two (2) distinct lots, both of which will fail to comply with the minimum lot area and lot width requirement, and the existing house lot will fail to provide the appropriate off-street parking stall dimensions, for property located at 56 OXFORD STREET, being MAP 306, BLOCK 11, PARCEL 4, in a RESIDENTIAL 4 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variances - Petition No. 6891)


[Continued from 2 February 2022, and 13 April 2022]


3. COSMO PROPERTIES, LLC, seeks permission to subdivide a property presently improved with a legal nonconforming two-unit residence, into three (3) distinct parcels (Minor Subdivision approval having already been granted), resulting in extinguishing the referenced nonconformity by reducing to a single-family residence, and introducing two (2) additional single-family residences, all parcels failing to comply with the minimum lot area and lot width requirement, both proposed residences failing to comply with requisite side-yard setbacks, and present residence maintaining pre-existing front-yard and side-yard setback deficiencies, for property located at 160 VINCENT AVENUE, being MAP 208, BLOCK 15, PARCEL 7, in the RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variances - Petition No. 6899)


[Continued from 13 April 2022]



VIII.      New Business


1. AMANDA MEDINA, seeks permission to construct an addition onto a single-family residence, without complying with the minimum side-yard setback requirement, as well as exceeding the maximum impervious lot coverage requirement, for property located at 99 CIRCUIT DRIVE, being MAP 512, BLOCK 11, PARCEL 66, in a RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance(s) - Petition No. 6900)


2. JAMES and PAMELA LOMBARDO, seek permission to remove two (2) dimensionally non-conforming accessory sheds and a small patio area, and in turn construct a new accessory shed, resulting in exceeding the maximum building and impervious lot coverage requirements, for property located at 73 FENNER AVENUE, being MAP 412, BLOCK 10, PARCEL 8.1, in a RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance(s) - Petition No. 6901)


3. LUIS LUBO, seeks permission to retain a six-foot high fence that was installed within the restricted front-yard setback (maximum four-feet permitted), for property located at 103 ARNOLD STREET, being MAP 412, BLOCK 7, PARCEL 12, in a RESIDENTIAL 3 DISTRICT.   (Dimensional Variance - Petition No. 6902)






IX.        Procedures


Proof of residency submission to the attention of the Chairman, as required by law.  This is a mandatory annual obligation.


B. Discussion on the prepared Zoning Application Instructional Package.



X.         Announcements


A.  The next regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Review is scheduled for Wednesday, 1 June 2022, at 6:00 PM, in the City of East Providence Council Chambers, City Hall, and East Providence, RI.



XI.        Adjournment
