Feb. 8, 2021 Fire/Police Pension Board Notice




A regular quarterly meeting of the Firemen’s and Policemen’s Retirement Pension Fund Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, the 8th of February 2021 in Council Chambers at City Hall, 145 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 at 3:00 p.m. with limited in person seats available and the meeting will be broadcast on ZOOM, meeting details are below.


Chief William Nebus, Chairman, Police Representative

Lt. Jeffrey Wyrostek, Vice Chairman, Fire Representative

John C. Neale, Retiree Representative

John F. Wallace, Civilian Representative

Ricardo D. Mourato, Councilman, City Council Representative

Roberto L. DaSilva, Mayor

Malcolm Moore, Director of Finance, Administrator


I Call to Order

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

II Presentation by Wainwright Investments LLC

Michael Dwyer will be here from the pension investment counsel firm to review the 4th Qtr. Performance Report.

Accepting Handouts into Record

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

III Discussion/Vote on changing actuarial tables

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

IV Discussion/Vote on cancer clause and retroactive date of change

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

V Vote To Approve the Consent Calendar

All items under “Consent Calendar” are considered to be of a routine and noncontroversial nature by the Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the “Consent Calendar” and will be considered in its normal sequence on the docket.

1. Pension meeting journal for November 16, 2020

2. COLA listing for September, October and November

3. Capital Call for Lexington Capital Partners IX, L.P.

4. Trade Authorization Sell 11/25 – Vanguard 1,000,000

5 Trade Authorization Sell 11/24 – Vanguard 500,000

6. Capital Call for Entrust Global Recovery Fund LP

7. Invesco Account Statement for November

8. Capital Call for Dover Street XL.P.

9. IR&M 4th Qtr Fees

10. Nyhart Actuarial Fee GASB 67 & 68

11. Nyhart Actuarial Fee for Annual Valuation

12. Invesco 4th qtr Fees

13. Rhumbline 4th Qtr Fees

14. Wainwright Investment Council, LLC 4th Qtr Fee



Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

VI Executive Session

The Police and Fire Retirement System of the City of East Providence will meet in Executive Session pursuant to RI General Laws § 42-46-5 (a)(1), § 45-21-2-9 and § 42-46-5 (a)(2)

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

A. Litigation 1. FF Smith update on questions and medical records

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

VII Seal Minutes and Adjourn Executive Session

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

VIII Reading of the votes from Executive Session

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

IX Adjournment

Motion: By_____2nd_____

Nebus ____Wyrostek ____ Neale ____Wallace ____Mourato ____ DaSilva ______Moore____

*As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will also be available by audio only through an application called, “ZOOM”


Call the toll free number: 1-888-788-0099 (AUDIO ONLY) and enter the following meeting id number:

MEETING ID: 927 1111 9672

No passcode needed.
