Veterans /Widow of a Veteran's Exemption Information

This exemption can be applied to real estate or motor vehicles, if you do not own real estate, it can not be applied to both if it is fully exhausted where it is applied first.

Amount of Tax Credit

Amount of real estate tax assessment reduction  $12,220 (Amount off residential tax bill $187.33 - based on 2024 Tax Rates)

Amount of motor vehicle tax assessment reduction $3,000 (Amount off motor vehicle tax bill $105.00- based on 2021 Tax Rates)- as of 2022 motor vehicle bills are no longer issued. 

How To Qualify For A Veteran's Exemption

  • Applicant's legal and primary residence must be in the state of Rhode Island
  • Applicant must provide DD-214 along with application
  • Applicant must meet specific qualifying dates, per RIGL 44-3-4, or 4.2
  • Applicant must be Honorably Discharged.
  • Applicant submitting the Widow of a Veteran's must also include the death certificate of the veteran, can not be remarried
  • Application is due  by May 25th, to apply on subsequent tax roll. 

Please gather your documentation needed above and fill out the Veterans Application. Once your forms are completed return them to our office, by drop off or electronically.  Please don't forget to include all the appropriate proof!

If you have any questions please call the Assessor's office at 401-435-7574, or email us at
